
Technodomisi - Adamopoulos Giorgos

The company "TECHNODOMISI ADAMOPOULOS" is based in Athens. The manager of the company is Mr. Adamopoulos Giorgos, who has many years of experience in the field of renovations.
The Company undertakes renovations of houses and shops, exterior and interior spaces. We undertake renovations of detached houses, apartments, shops, terraces, thermo-facades, gypsum boards, cement boards and tiles.
Thermal insulation:
There are two types of thermal insulation: 1) External Thermal Insulation (or Thermal Insulation) and 2) Internal Insulation


1) External

In the outer thermal insulation, the insulation material is placed on the outside of the building wall. Ensures the thermal insulation of the frame so the spaces are slow to warm up, however they remain hot for a long time when the heating is interrupted. It has high construction costs.
It protects the house from exposure to sun, rain and extreme temperatures, increasing its working life. It costs more than internal heat insulation due to the cost of the materials used.




2) Internal

The insulating material is placed on the inside of the house and protected by other building material such as gypsum board. Short heating and cooling of the premises is achieved and very low cost. It is an ideal solution for buildings and buildings that need fast heating such as theaters, churches, country houses etc.
It costs less of external thermal insulation due to cheaper materials.